After your first week in college, it will be hard to believe that you ever thought this. The first step to making new friends: Do not miss Orientation. You will never have an easier time meeting more people in your life. Everything's new. Everyone's excited. And people are scared and dying to find someone to talk to. Be bold and introduce yourself. Take a risk, and start speaking. The camaraderie you'll form during this vulnerable time is indescribable. Even if the RAs make you do cheesy activities, there's no better way to bond than by sharing a ridiculous experience and laughing about it.
You got in. You're excited. But for some reason, you can't help but feel a little nervous. Even though you'd think the stress would disappear after decision time, the arrival of an acceptance letter often comes with a whole new set of worries. The good news? It's totally normal, so take a deep breath and relax. You already got in; the hardest part is over. thatz my college life..